Hi! I am Elina!

Elina Charalampous

... and I love to bake! There is no question, I am a person who prefers sweet snacks rather than salty ones and baking gives me the solution to have sweet treats at home whenever I want. Moreover, baking at home offers me the option to select the quality of the ingredients I use in my desserts and I can modify each recipe to a healthier version with less calories. For example, I always tend to reduce sugar in the recipes and I opt for honey instead of sugar. And of course ... baking relaxes me and makes my family happy! Who does not like to have healthy delicious desserts at home?

Bake is Yum is the result of the combination of my proffession as web designer and developer and my favourite hobby, the baking! At the beggining, I haven't thought of developing my personal baking blog, but I just wanted to transfer all my recipes from my cookbook to a digital version. The one thing let to another and Bake is Yum was developed!

The recipes in Bake is Yum are from my favorite sweets and they are the ones I use while baking. Most of them are borrowed, but I always end up modifying a recipe to meet my taste. Personally I am not keen of very sweet flavors and I usually crave bitter and sour deserts. Therefore I tend to reduce the sugar used in the borrowed recipes. However you will always find the reference for the original recipes.

Almost every photo used in this blog are taken from me while baking, but they are still few recipes with photos taken from Unsplash, a great site for freely-usable images. All the videos in the blog are taken and edited by me... and I have to admin that I am a very begginer in this field, but until now I really enjoy it!

I would like to thank all the bakers (proffessionals and bloggers) from who I have borrowed their recipe and Unsplash along with all the photographers, who's photos I use in this blog.

I hope that you will enjoy the recipes in Bake is Yum and I am looking forward for likes, shares and your comments!

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